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Old Spanish Trail

The Old Spanish Trail, which followed a sinuous route between the two Spanish centers, Santa Fe in New Mexico and Los Angles in California evolved slowly. It was not firmly established as an animal pack train route, largely encompassing well used Indian trails until about 1830. Few physical scars of the early treks remain along its 1200 mile length. River …

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Fort Uncompahgre

Antione Robidoux established the trading outpost in the 1820’s in the bottom lands near the junction of the Gunnison and Uncompahgre Rivers just south of Delta, Colorado. This area was a hub for trails coming north out of the San Juan River Basin in south western Colorado and north western New Mexico, meeting the North Branch of the Old Spanish …

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Heritage: Delta’s Past

The land we know as the Western Slope of Colorado has a fascinating past and a rich history.  The adventure starts with Juan de Onate’s effort to colonize in Northern (New) Mexico.  By 1610 Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico is established and is the oldest surviving capitol in America. To put this into context, Jamestown was established in 1607, St. …